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Otona to Kodomo no Merry Christmas
大人と子供のメリークリスマス / Adults' and Children's Merry Christmas
irohara mitabi
Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
The Senpai Who Drives the Good-natured Kouhai Mad
The Senpai Who Drives the Good-natured Kouhai Mad / 気のいい後輩君を狂わせてしまう先輩
Yanagida Fumita
🇯🇵Oneshot,School Life,Slice of Life
Ookami-tachi no Shiikuhou
オオカミたちの飼育法 / Ookamitachi no Shiikuhou, Wolves' Raising Method
Flowers / Nana Shiiba / 椎葉 ナナ
Heisei Project: Imitation Hero
ヘイセイプロジェクト -イミテーションヒーロー-
Comic ZERO-SUM / Kazuaki Emoto / 柄本 和昭 / Natsumi Ogi / 荻 なつみ
Hetalia dj - Yume ga Mita Yume
ヘタリアdj - 君が見た夢 / Hetalia dj - The Dream You Dreamed
mukougawa (enomoto)
Doujinshi,Shounen ai
Problem with the Uniform
Problem with the Uniform / 乳袋ですが / Chibukuro desuga
Yanagida Fumita
Slaying the Monster
Slaying the Monster / Kaibutsugoroshi / Monster Killing / 怪物殺し
Tomita Douji
Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note
探偵チームKZ事件ノート / Detective Team Kazs' Case Notes: The Missing Bicycle Knows, ntei Team KZ Jiken Note: Kieta Jitensha wa Shitteiru
Nakayoshi / Hitomi Fujimoto / 藤本 ひとみ / 藤本 瞳 / 王領寺 静 / Shizuka Ouryouji / Ryou Sumitaki / 住滝 良 / Megu Sakura / 桜倉 メグ
Yoku Oni
欲鬼 / Desire Demons
Shounen Magazine R / Mitabi Irohara / 色原 みたび / RBY
Boyfriend (Beta) Side Comics
A Very Important Experience / Boyfriend (Kari) Saido Komikku / ボーイフレンド(仮)サイドコミック
mitani tomoko
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Ookamitachi no Gohoubi
Ookamitachi no Gohoubi / A Wild Reward / Ookami Tachi no Gohoubi / Ookami-tachi no Gohoubi / Prizes of the Wolves / The Wolves' Reward / The Wolves' Treats / オオカミ達のごほうび / オオカミ達のごほうび "A Wild Reward" / 大野狼的嘉奖
Hanaya En
🇯🇵Romance,School Life
Puella Magi Madoka Magica dj: MomoMita: Just Warming Up A Bit
Puella Magi Madoka Magica dj - MomoMita: Just Warming Up A Bit / Puella Magi Madoka Magica: MomoMita: Just Warming Up A Bit (doujinshi)
Fuuki Shoujo Manga
Fuuki Shoujo Manga / 風紀少女漫画 / Public Morals Girl
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,School Life
The Dream I Had When I Died
Shinde Shimatta Boku no Mita Yume / 死んでしまったぼくの見た夢
nishioka kyodai
Shingeki no Kyojin - Hey Corporal, Don’t Think You’ve Won (Doujinshi)
進撃の巨人 dj - おい兵長それで私に勝ったと思うな / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Hey Corporal, Don’t Think You’ve Won / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Oi Heichou Sore de Watashu ni Katta to Omou na / Shingeki no Kyojin - Hey Corporal, Don't Think You've Won (Doujinshi) / Shingeki no Kyojin - Hey Corporal, Don't Think You’ve Won (Doujinshi) / Shingeki no Kyojin - Hey Corporal, Don’t Think You've Won (Doujinshi) / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Hey Corporal, Don't Think You've Won / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Hey Corporal, Don't Think You’ve Won / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Hey Corporal, Don’t Think You've Won
homuro mita
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica - Fall in Love (doujinshi)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica dj - Koisuru Koto shika Dekinai mitai ni.
aka no etude (soya)
Doujinshi,Romance,Shoujo ai
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica - Magical Girl x Kamen Rider: Sayaka & Fourze (Doujinshi)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica dj - Magical Girl x Kamen Rider, Sayaka & Fourze - Great War of Mitakihara MAGIMIX
gikogakodou (wakabayashi makoto)
The Great War of Archimedes
アルキメデス大戦 / Archimedes no Taisen
Young Magazine / Norifusa Mita / 三田 紀房
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. - Bukiyou na Hana (Doujinshi)
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. dj - Bukiyou na Hana / We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw on that Day. dj - Awkward Flower / Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. dj - Awkward Flower / AnoHana dj - Bukiyou na Hana / Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. dj - Bukiyou na Hana / AnoHana dj - Awkward Flower / 不器用な花
Doujinshi,Comedy,Slice of Life
Natsuzora ni, Kimi to Mita Yume
夏空に、きみと見た夢 / At the summer sky, I saw your dream, Natsuzora ni Kimi to Mita Yume
FlexComix Flare / Auri Hirao / 平尾 アウリ / Yukiko Iida / 飯田 雪子
Flower, Walnut and Sweet Life
花とクルミと甘い生活 / Hana to Kurumi to Amai Seikatsu / Kimi no Kao ga Mitai
ihr hertZ / Ryouko / 涼子
Amagami dj: My Ex-Stalker Can't Be This Cute!
上崎さんと付き合ってみた / Amagami dj - Kamizaki-san to Tsukiatte Mita
nigou shouji
Kiss no Tsuzuki wa Gaman Shimasu - Honto wa Imasugu Shite Mitai!?
Kiss no Tsuzuki wa Gaman Shimasu - Honto wa Imasugu Shite Mitai!? / 接吻之後要忍耐~其實現在就想要!?~ / 接吻之后要忍耐~其实现在就想要! ? ~ / キスの続きは我慢します ~ホントは今すぐシてみたい!?~
Tsukioka Akane
Ore wa Mita
I saw it / I Saw It: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima: A Survivor's True Story
keiji nakazawa
Shounen(B),Mature,Slice of Life,Historical,Tragedy
Musashi-kun to Murayama-san wa Tsukiattemita.
武蔵くんと村山さんは付き合ってみた。 / MusaMura, Musashi-kun and Murayama-san's Dating Trial
Naruasuku / なるあすく / Nal-ask / Ganma!
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Yomitai Hon wa Nai Keredo
Even Though There's No Book I Want To Read 読みたい本はないけれど
monma tsukasa / mutou mayumi
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
A Junior Trying to Sleep With His Senior
A Junior Trying to Sleep With His Senior / 先輩を寝取ろうとする後輩漫画
Yanagida Fumita
Sensei datte Gaman Shiteru
先生だってガマンしてる / Koori wo Tokasu Kiss no Netsu, Kiss wa, Kokuhaku no Mae ni., Kawaii Kimi to Amai Koi, Kare wa, Watashi no Koto ga Suki Mitai desu., Juudai Sentimental
Sho-Comi Zoukan / Miko Mitsuki / 蜜樹 みこ
Half a Step Behind a Two-Seater
Half a Step Behind a Two-Seater / 2人乗りの半歩後ろ
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life