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Aru Koto wo Shitekisare, Mi ni Tsukeru You ni Natta TS Musume-chan

Aru Koto wo Shitekisare, Mi ni Tsukeru You ni Natta TS Musume-chan

Aru Koto wo Shitekisare, Mi ni Tsukeru You ni Natta TS Musume-chan / あることを指摘され、身に着けるようになったTSっ娘ちゃん / The Gender-bent girl who came to a sudden realization when it was pointed out to her.
Kiyu Fuyuki
Vol.0 Ch.0
Hoshigari Rui-Kun No Kimochili Koto - Dekiai Host To Ama S Ecchi

Hoshigari Rui-Kun No Kimochili Koto - Dekiai Host To Ama S Ecchi

Greedy Rui Is Looking For Pleasure -Sweet / Greedy Rui Is Looking For Pleasure -Sweet, Sadistic Sex With a Caring Host- / Hoshigari Rui-kun no Kimochi Ii Koto / Hoshigari Rui-kun no Kimochi Ii Koto - Dekiai Host to Ama S Ecchi / Sadistic Sex With a Caring Host- / 欲しがり涙(るい)くんのきもちイイこと / 欲しがり涙(るい)くんのきもちイイこと~溺愛ホストと甘Sエッチ / 欲しがり涙(るい)くんのきもちイイこと~溺愛ホストと甘Sエッチ / 欲しがり涙くんのきもちイイこと~ / 欲しがり涙くんのきもちイイこと~溺愛ホストと甘Sエッチ
Adumi Nagano / Nagano Azumi
Yaoi(BL),Smut,School Life
Chapter 7
My Sisters Love Me!

My Sisters Love Me!

My Sisters Love Me! / 妹たちが私のことを好きすぎる! / Imōto-tachi ga watashi no koto o suki sugiru!
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Comedy,Harem,Slice of Life
Chapter 3: Suzuka
Akuninzura shita B-kyuu Boukensha - Shujinkou to Sono Osananajimi-tachi no Papa ni naru

Akuninzura shita B-kyuu Boukensha - Shujinkou to Sono Osananajimi-tachi no Papa ni naru

Akuninzura shita B-kyuu Boukensha - Shujinkou to Sono Osananajimi-tachi no Papa ni naru / B-Grade Adventurer With a Bad Guy Face - Becomes a Daddy to the Hero and His Fellow Children / 悪人面したB級冒険者 主人公とその幼馴染たちのパパになる / A B-Rank Adventurer With an Evil Face Becomes a Father for the Hero and His Childhood Friends / B-Rank Adventurer With an Evil Look Becomes a Daddy to the Protagonist and His Childhood Friends
Enji / kogeme
🇯🇵Action,Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.14.2
Momo-chan has a secret...

Momo-chan has a secret...

Momo-chan No Hito Ni Ienai Himitsu / ももちゃんという女の子には人には言えない秘密があるらしい… / ももちゃんの人に言えない秘密
kato mayumi
Chapter 0
Ore wa Shiranai Uchi ni Gakkou Ichi no Bishoujo wo Kudoite Itarashii

Ore wa Shiranai Uchi ni Gakkou Ichi no Bishoujo wo Kudoite Itarashii

Ore wa Shiranai Uchi ni Gakkou Ichi no Bishoujo wo Kudoite Itarashii / It Seems I Was Hitting on the Most Beautiful Girl in School Without Me Noticing / 俺は知らないうちに学校一の美少女を口説いていたらしい / 俺は知らないうちに学校一の美少女を口説いていたらしい ~バイト先の相談相手に俺の想い人の話をすると彼女はなぜか照れ始める~ / 无意间向她告了白
Gozen no Ryokucha / Ataru
🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,School Life
Vol.6 Ch.31
A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, but It's Scary so I Find a Yandere Girl to Kill Me, but It Doesn't Work

A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, but It's Scary so I Find a Yandere Girl to Kill Me, but It Doesn't Work

Jisatsu Shitai kedo Sore wa Chotto Kowai kara Yandere Kanojo wo Tsukutte Kanojo ni Koroshite Moraou to Suru kedo Nakanaka Umakuikanai Hanashi / 自殺したいけどそれはちょっと怖いからヤンデレ彼女を作って彼女に殺してもらおうとするけどなかなかうまくいかない話
Modern Villainess: It’s Not Easy Building a Corporate Empire Before the Crash

Modern Villainess: It’s Not Easy Building a Corporate Empire Before the Crash

Modern Villainess: It’s Not Easy Building a Corporate Empire Before the Crash / 現代社会で乙女ゲームの悪役令嬢をするのはちょっと大変 / Gendai shakai de otome game no akuyaku reijou wo suru no wa chotto taihen / ​It’s a Little Hard to be a Villainess of an Otome Game in Modern Society
Tofuro Futsukaichi / Data
🇯🇵Reincarnation,Video Games,Isekai,Drama,School Life,Villainess,Adaptation
Vol.0 Ch.19
This Plain Girl's Skirt Will Shrink By 0.1mm For Every Like

This Plain Girl's Skirt Will Shrink By 0.1mm For Every Like

1いいねでスカートが0.1mm短くなるクラスの地味な女の子 / ギャルと待ち合わせ中に声を掛けられた地味子 大学生編 / 在等待辣妹的时候被搭讪的土妹子 大学生篇 / 在等待辣妹的時候被搭訕的土妹子 大學生篇 / 每多一个赞,就让班上的土妹子裙子短0.1mm / 每多一個贊,就讓班上的土妹子裙子短0.1mm
Ochikobore Kenshi, Tsuihousareta no de Majutsushi ni Tenkou suru - Kenshi no Toki wa Gomi Skill datta "Zettai Kioku" wa Majutsushi ni Totte wa Kami Skill deshita

Ochikobore Kenshi, Tsuihousareta no de Majutsushi ni Tenkou suru - Kenshi no Toki wa Gomi Skill datta "Zettai Kioku" wa Majutsushi ni Totte wa Kami Skill deshita

Ochikobore Kenshi, Tsuihousareta no de Majutsushi ni Tenkou suru - Kenshi no Toki wa Gomi Skill datta "Zettai Kioku" wa Majutsushi ni Totte wa Kami Skill deshita / Ochikobore Kenshi, Tsuihousareta no de Majutsushi ni Tenkou suru / 落ちこぼれ剣士、追放されたので魔術師に転向する ~剣士のときはゴミスキルだった『絶対記憶』は魔術師にとっては神スキルでした~ / 落ちこぼれ剣士、追放されたので魔術師に転向する
SATOU Kenyou / Kimura Issei
When I try to go to work, the dog I picked up gets in the way

When I try to go to work, the dog I picked up gets in the way

The dog I picked up when I was going to work got in the way when I met I was standing soaked in the rain / 仕事に行こうとすると拾ってきた犬が邪魔してくる / 仕事に行こうとすると拾ってきた犬が邪魔してくる出会ったときは雨の中ずぶ濡れで立ち尽くしていた
harunatsu akito
Otogi no Machi no Rena

Otogi no Machi no Rena

おとぎのまちのれな / Rena in the Strange Town
Young Magazine Uppers / Mitsuru Hattori / はっとり みつる / 服部 充
Vol.07 Ch.060
If the villainess and the villain were to meet and fall in love ~It seems the shunned heroine who formed a contract with an unnamed spirit is fighting with the nobleman yet again~

If the villainess and the villain were to meet and fall in love ~It seems the shunned heroine who formed a contract with an unnamed spirit is fighting with the nobleman yet again~

If the villainess and the villain were to meet and fall in love ~It seems the shunned heroine who formed a contract with an unnamed spirit is fighting with the nobleman yet again~ / 悪役令嬢と悪役令息が、出逢って恋に落ちたなら ~名無しの精霊と契約して追い出された令嬢は、今日も令息と競い合っているようです~ / 悪役令嬢と悪役令息が、出逢って恋に落ちたなら
迂回チル / Sarachi Yomi
Vol.5 Ch.23
The Boy Who Could Stop Time and The Girl Sitting Next to Him

The Boy Who Could Stop Time and The Girl Sitting Next to Him

Jikan Tomeru Nouryoku wo Motta Shounen to Chotto Hanareta Seki no Morisaki-san / 時間止める能力を持った少年とちょっと離れた席の森崎さん
ichitomo kazutomo
Chapter 0
Draw: Majo no Nemuru Umi de

Draw: Majo no Nemuru Umi de

DRAW 魔女の眠る海で / Draw: The Ocean Where the Witch Sleeps
Saki Okuse / 奥瀬 サキ / 奥瀬 早紀 / Chaco Abeno / 阿倍野 ちゃこ / Chako Abeno / Kappa Create / カッパくりえいと / HAKKA PINK / Young Champion Retsu
Koi ga Fuufu ni Naru Mae ni

Koi ga Fuufu ni Naru Mae ni

恋が夫婦になる前に / First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage
Niichi / にいち / 木漏れ陽ぱれっと / Komorebi Pallette
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chicchai Kanojo Senpai to Dousei Shimasu.

Chicchai Kanojo Senpai to Dousei Shimasu.

Ruiki Akiba / あきば るいき / Comic Fuz
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 10.5
The Vampire Who's on the Health Committee for a Chance to Suck Blood!

The Vampire Who's on the Health Committee for a Chance to Suck Blood!

The Vampire Who's on the Health Committee for a Chance to Suck Blood! / 隙あらば血を吸おうとする保健委員の吸血鬼ちゃん!
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.0
The Gloomy Boy and The Sunny Girl Get Along

The Gloomy Boy and The Sunny Girl Get Along

The Gloomy Boy and The Sunny Girl Get Along / 陰キャくんと陽キャちゃん仲良くなる
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.0
The Cute Girl Sitting Next To Me Is Trying To Make Me Fall In Love With Her As A Way To Ridicule Me, But The Tables Were Turned On Her Before She Knew It

The Cute Girl Sitting Next To Me Is Trying To Make Me Fall In Love With Her As A Way To Ridicule Me, But The Tables Were Turned On Her Before She Knew It

My Seatmate Tries to Make Me Fall in Love with Her by Teasing Me Repeatedly, but Somehow She Was the One Who Fell / Tonari no Seki ni Natta Bishoujo ga Horesaseyou to Karakatte Kuru ga Itsunomanika Kaeriuchi ni Shite Ita / 隣の席になった美少女が惚れさせようとからかってくるがいつの間にか返り討ちにしていた
Aresanzui / 宮古蜂
Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 6
Out of Control

Out of Control

ちょっとやそっとじゃ止まらない / Chotto ya Sotto ja Tomaranai / Out of Control, Chotto ya Sotto ja Tomaranai, Chotto ya Sotto ja Tomaranai,Aishite Okure yo,Ishou ni Hajimeyou, Nakaseru ze, i ni Kitai suru mono wa, Tsukamae ni Kite, Subararashiki Meiro
Kaoru Uchida / 内田 かおる / 内田 カヲル
Torokeru Tsumugi-chan

Torokeru Tsumugi-chan

Bessatsu Friend / Rukana / るかな
Vol.02 Ch.008.5
Tenchi Muyo! Sasami Stories

Tenchi Muyo! Sasami Stories

天地無用! 砂沙美ちゃんあらかると! / Tenchi Muyou! Sasami-chan À la Carte / Tenchi Muyou! Sasami-chan Arakaruto!
Hitoshi Okuda / 奥田 ひとし
Vol.1 Ch.1
If you go home after several years, the scenery tends to change

If you go home after several years, the scenery tends to change

If you go home after several years, the scenery tends to change / 数年ぶりに地元帰ると景色変わりがち
Kawasaki Tadataka
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.0
Orenchi ni kita Onna-kishi to Inakagurashi suru koto ni natta ken

Orenchi ni kita Onna-kishi to Inakagurashi suru koto ni natta ken

Regarding That We Decided to Live in the Countryside With The Female Knight Who Came to Us / 俺んちに来た女騎士と田舎暮らしすることになった件
sakuta / kakashi akino / orenchi ni kita onna-kishi to inakagurashi suru koto ni natta ken 54
Shounen(B),Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 98
Kawaranai Yakusoku to Kawaru Watashitachi

Kawaranai Yakusoku to Kawaru Watashitachi

Kawaranai Yakusoku to Kawaru Watashitachi / 不变的约定与改变的我们 / 変わらない約束と変わる私たち
🇯🇵Oneshot,Yuri(GL),School Life
Vol.0 Ch.0
Jingai no Yome to Ichaicha suru: Anthology Comic

Jingai no Yome to Ichaicha suru: Anthology Comic

人外の嫁といちゃいちゃする アンソロジーコミック / Flirting With My Monster Wife
Mitsuru Hattori / はっとり みつる / 服部 充 / Daisuke Hiyama / 檜山 大輔 / 銀八 銀8 Gimpachi Ginpachi / Amatou / 甘党 / Sweet Tooth / あまとう / Hitomishiri / ひとみしり / Fumiko Nishizono / 西園 フミコ / Kagamitsuki / カガミツキ / Rage / らげ / Rodiura. / ろぢうら。 / Kento Kaga / カガ ケント / gum / Mintarou / みんたろう / Ricin / りしん / 領地 / Ryouchi / solopipB / ソロピップB / 鮭缶メモリアル / Shakekan Memorial / ひとふたみ しごろう / Shigorou Hitofutami
Maou No Musume-Tachi To Ma Guwa Eba Tsuyoku Narerutte Hontou Desu Ka?

Maou No Musume-Tachi To Ma Guwa Eba Tsuyoku Narerutte Hontou Desu Ka?

Maou No Musume-Tachi To Ma Guwa Eba Tsuyoku Narerutte Hontou Desu Ka? / Is It True That I Can Be Stronger If I Make Love The Devils Daughters? / 魔王の娘たちとまぐわえば強くなれるって本当ですか?
Kamome sanmyaku / Nabe Fuyuno
Vol.2 Ch.7
A Boy Reading a Porn Mag That Was Dropped on the Roadside and a Gal

A Boy Reading a Porn Mag That Was Dropped on the Roadside and a Gal

A Boy Reading a Porn Mag That Was Dropped on the Roadside and a Gal / 道端に落ちてるエロ本読んでる少年とギャル
Taniguchi Daisuke
Vol.0 Ch.0
Tawawa na Oppai wa Suki desu ka?: Kyonyuu Shoujo Anthology Comic

Tawawa na Oppai wa Suki desu ka?: Kyonyuu Shoujo Anthology Comic

たわわなおっぱいは好きですか? 巨乳少女 アンソロジーコミック / Do You Like Fluffy Boobs?: Busty Girl Anthology Comic
Tomo Hirokawa / 緋呂河 とも / Emua / えむあ / Nigou Shouji / 庄司 二号 / Sabu Musha / 武者 サブ / Mushaburu / むしゃぶる / Shinnosuke Fujishima / 藤島 真ノ介 / majoccoid / Haratama / ハラタマ / Yoshi Yoshimura / 吉村 佳 / Hanatsumi Sakura / 佐倉 はなつみ / Kurou / 九郎 / Fumihiro Kiso / 木曽 フミヒロ / Yohsyu Son / 孫 陽州 / Yukian / Morisu Nakamura / 中村 モリス / Morris Nakamura / Momo Gokugetsu / ごくげつ 桃 / Haikaburi / Suiheisen / 水平線 / Santou Suihei / 三等 水兵 / Junya Takeuchi / 竹内 じゅんや / Love♥I / 羅ぶい / Rabui / Chinori Toriu / 鳥生 ちのり / Mai Kirikiri / きりきり 舞 / 斬々 舞 / Ekakibit / えかきびと / Sarfata / さふぁ太 / sarfatation / Aki Hamaji / はまじ あき / Yamii Yamamoto / 山本 やみー / Vanilla Bou / ばにら棒 / Vanilla Bow / チョコレートマカロン / Chocolate Macaron / Kanae Aoshima / 青島 かなえ / かなえ屋 / Kanae-ya / Moto Kuromura / くろむら 基人 / Rouka / ろうか / Byte / Eria Haseyoshi / 長谷良 えりあ
🇯🇵Manga,Ecchi,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Vol.07 Ch.054
Did You Think You Could Live Normally Even in a World With a 1:5 Male-To-Female Ratio?

Did You Think You Could Live Normally Even in a World With a 1:5 Male-To-Female Ratio?

Did You Think You Could Live Normally Even in a World With a 1:5 Male-To-Female Ratio? ~ When Deeply Intense Feelings of the Girls Are Toyed With by the an Oblivious Boy / 男女比1:5の世界でも 普通に生きられると思った?~激重感情な彼女たちが 無自覚 男子に翻弄されたら~ / Danjohi 1:5 no Sekai demo Futsu ni Ikirareru to Omotta? ~ Geki Juu Kanjou na Kanojotachi ga Mujikaku Danshi ni Honrousaretara
Koutaro Mifuji / Momoki Ui
🇯🇵Comedy,Isekai,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 1
Yamiochi Yuusha No Haishin Haishin~Tsuihousare, Kakushi Boss Beya Ni Hourikomareta Kekka, Boss To Tansakushagari Haishin Wo Hajimeru~@comic

Yamiochi Yuusha No Haishin Haishin~Tsuihousare, Kakushi Boss Beya Ni Hourikomareta Kekka, Boss To Tansakushagari Haishin Wo Hajimeru~@comic

Kouji Nayuru
Chapter 5.2
Neko Zuki Danshi Wa Nekome Otoko To Koi Ni Ochiru Noka

Neko Zuki Danshi Wa Nekome Otoko To Koi Ni Ochiru Noka

Nekosukidanshi wa Nekomeotoko to Koi ni Ochirunoka? / Nekozuki Danshi wa Nekomoku Otoko to Koi ni Ochiru no ka? / Will a Guy Who Likes Cats Fall in Love with a Guy with Cat Eyes? / 猫好き男子はネコ目オトコと恋に落ちるのか?
Nekonomori Shima
Chapter 2
Himouto! Umaru-chan S

Himouto! Umaru-chan S

sankaku head
Shinonome Yuuko wa Tanpen Shousetsu wo Aishiteiru

Shinonome Yuuko wa Tanpen Shousetsu wo Aishiteiru

東雲侑子は短編小説をあいしている / Shinonome Yuuko Loves Short Stories
Famitsu Comic Clear / Bingo Morihashi / 森橋 ビンゴ / Chisato Naruse / 成瀬 ちさと
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Hidamari Sketch Anthology Comic

Hidamari Sketch Anthology Comic

Mera Hakamada / 袴田 めら / Shouko Iwami / 石見 翔子 / Shoko Iwami / Tsukasa Unohana / 卯花 つかさ / kashmir / Ayami Kazama / カザマ アヤミ / Komata Mikami / 三上 小又 / Mook / むっく / Sou Hamayumiba / 浜弓場 双 / Sekitou / 赤橙 / MATSUDA98 / Gurigura Kuchihacchou / 口八丁 ぐりぐら / Ikki Sanada / 真田 一輝 / Kazuho / カヅホ / Kaduho / Kadzuho / Masaru Kaneko / カネコ マサル / Marimo / まりも / Eretto / えれっと / Utsura Uraraka / うつらうららか / Komusou / こむそう / Purapa / ぷらぱ / Tetsuya Kobayashi / コバヤシ テツヤ / Seri Suzushiro / 鈴城 芹 / Tokio Shima / 志摩 時緒 / Yuusuke Shiba / シバ ユウスケ / Shinobu Take / 武 シノブ / Mika Harukaze / 東風 実花 / Hoppege / ほっぺげ / Teishibou-new / 低脂肪NEW / Shion Shirayuki / 白雪 しおん / Fuu Araki / 荒木 風羽 / Chiki Nonohara / 野々原 ちき / Kakashi Oniyazu / 鬼八頭 かかし / Tasuke Sakura / 櫻 太助 / Chama / 茶麻 / Hyaluron / ひあるろん / Touko Shiwasu / 師走 冬子 / Tamachi Rui / るい たまち / Taichi Murata / むらた たいち / Aya Yamabuki / やまぶき 綾 / Sakaki / / Munekichi / undefined むねきち / Nagomi Tozakura / 都桜 和 / Asaki Nakama / なかま 亜咲 / Nagian / 凪庵 / rin / Hami / undefined はみ / Teto Tachitsu / 舘津 テト / Rein Kuwashima / 桑島 黎音 / Akaneiro no Sora / 茜色ノ空 / Ara Kadose / 門瀬 粗 / Sumiko Watanabe / 渡辺 純子 / Mei Aota / 青田 めい
🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life
Vol.5 Ch.15

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