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Torikagosou no Kyou mo Nemutai Juunin-tachi
鳥籠荘の今日も眠たい住人たち / Hotel Williams Child Bird, Torikagosou no Kyou mo Nemutai Juunintachi, The Sleepy Residents of Birdcage Manor
Yukako Kabei / 壁井 ユカコ / Rihito Takarai / 宝井 理人 / Giga Traper / Sylph
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
The Flowers of Evil
악의 꽃 / The Evil Flower, Flower of Evil
Daiwon / Hyeon-Sook Lee / undefined 李贤淑
Torikagosou no Kyou mo Nemutai Juunin-tachi
鳥籠荘の今日も眠たい住人たち / The Sleepy Residents of Birdcage Manor, Torikago-sou no Kyou mo Nemutai Juunintachi, Welcome to Hotel Williams Child Bird
Yukako Kabei / 壁井 ユカコ / Techno Samata / undefined テクノサマタ
🇯🇵Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
BuzzFeed Comics
adam ellis / dami lee / karina farek / loryn brantz / mike hinson / nathan w pyle / will varner / buzzfeed comics
Flowers Of Evil
악의 꽃 / Ak-eui Kkot / Blumen des Bösen / Les Fleurs du Mal / Flower of evil / The Evil Flowers / The Flowers of Evil / Цветята на злото (Bulgarian) / Kwiaty Zła (Polish) / Kötülük Çiçekleri(Turkish) / I Fiori del Male (Italian) / zohor alshar (arabic)
Lee Hyeon-Sook
Doujinshi,Shoujo(G),Adult,Mature,Action,Comedy,Cooking,Drama,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Tragedy
2015 소름 / Shiver
BAE Jinsoo, 5iAm, 209,Lee Hye (이혜),LIM Jingook,Danwoo,Rangddo,Soohun
On the Emperor's Lap
폐하의 무릎 위, On Your Majesty's Lap
USOI,JU Yujeong / LEE Miran
Shingeki no Kyojin - Yandere no Heichou ni Sinuhodo Aisarete Yoru mo Nemurenai (Doujinshi)
ヤンデレの兵長に死ぬほど愛されて夜もねむれない!! / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - I'm So Loved by the Yandere / Captain I Can't Even Sleep at Night!! / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Yandere no Heichou ni / Sinuhodo Aisarete Yoru mo Nemurenai!!
unap! (maine)
Doujinshi,Shounen ai
Tough Mate
Tough Mate / 까칠한 룸메이트 / Compañero De Cuarto Desastroso / My rude romemare
Lee Heung-pil (이흥필) / Thresher (탈곡기)
🇰🇷Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Romance,Comedy,School Life,Full Color
You're So Cool
넌 너무 멋져 / You are So Cool
Young Hui Lee / 이 영희 / Lee Young Hee / YoungHee / Young-Hee
순애보 / Stories of Pure Love, Pure Love Stories, 1000 Years in Your Eyes
Moon Da Mi Seo / Ju-Yeon Rhim / 임 주연 / Se-Young Kim / 김 세영 / Eun Ah Park / Ji Woon Yoon / 윤 지운 / Yoon JiUn / Ji-Un / Yun Ji Un / JiWoon / Ji-Woon / Daiwon / Yeong-Eun Kim / 김 은정 / Hyeon-Sook Lee / undefined 李贤淑 / Shi Young Lee / Gyo-jung Kwon / 권 교정
🇰🇷Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
The Red Soul
붉은 에레혼 / Bul Geun Aeraehon, Red Erewhon, The Red Aeraehon, The Red Ere Soul
Jong-Kyu Lee / 이 종규 / Daiwon / Jae-Sin Kang / 강 재신
Appendix of 2D Boyfriends
Appendix of 2D Boyfriends / 2D남친 별책부록
Park Tae-Jun / Yaet Saram / Soon-Ki / Lee Hye (이혜) / Tari (타리) / Doo Boo (두부) / Eon / Heyum / Gi Meng-gi / Olso / Han Kyoung Charl / Sangha / Omyo (오묘) / Yaongyi / Massstar / Na (나) / Sungeun / Jeongseo
🇰🇷Romance,Anthology,Full Color
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä / Nausicaä / Nausicaä de la Valée du Vent / Nausicaä del Valle del Viento / 風の谷のナウシカ / 바람계곡의 나우시카 / Nauscaä aus dem Tal der Winde / Tuulen laakson Nausicaä / Naušika z Větrného údolí / Навсикая из долины Ветров
Miyazaki Hayao
One Night with the Tycoon
シャンパンは恋の媚薬 / Champagne wa Koi no Biyaku
Harlequin / Kasumi Kuroda / 黒田 かすみ / Lee Wilkinson
Girls und Panzer - Reizei Mako Can't Sleep (Doujinshi)
(C97) [Nisokusanmon (Muichimon)] Reizei Mako wa Nemuranai (Girls und Panzer) / (C97) [二束三文 (無一文)] 冷泉麻子は眠らない (ガールズ&パンツァー)
nisokusanmon / muichimon
Manhwa Novella Collection 1: Lie to Me
내게 거짓말을 해봐 / Lie to Me / French Kiss, Consorting with the Enemy
Youngran Lee
Just One Bite!
The Crown Prince Lost His Mind / The Prince Has Lost His Mind / 太子得了失心疯 / 太子得了失心瘋 / 태자 전하, 한입만요
Lee Hansol
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Cold Sleep
COLD SLEEP / Dousokai
Be x Boy GOLD / Narise Konohara / 木原 音瀬 / Mitsuaki Asou / 麻生 ミツ晃
Kantai Collection -Kan Colle- Dengeki Comic Anthology: Sasebo Chinjufu-hen
艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- 電撃コミックアンソロジー 佐世保鎮守府編 / Combined Fleet Girls Collection -Kan Colle- Dengeki Comic Anthology: Sasebo Naval District Version
Hiyohiyo / ひよひよ / Nylon / ナイロン / Dicca Suemitsu / すえみつ ぢっか / Dicca / Suemitsu Jikka / Kabocha / かぼちゃ / saxyun / Charlie Nishinaka / にしなか チャーリー / Yuusuke Shiba / シバ ユウスケ / Tasuke Sakura / 櫻 太助 / Baku Mikage / 御影 獏 / Shimesaba / シメサバ / Hiroji Mishima / みしま ひろじ / Pochi Yahiro / 八尋 ぽち / INUGOYA / Popochichi / ぽぽちち / Sumiya / スミヤ / furuike / Sumiya Akihiro / 住屋昭博 / Takashi Iwasaki / いわさき たかし / Haiji Nakasone / 中曽根 ハイジ / 木村 太熊 / Takuma Kimura / Tamura Mutou / 無糖 党 / Zuzu Kamiya / 神谷 ズズ / Mozu / もず / Peθ / Suzuka / undefined 鈴華 / Kenta Ishizaka / 石坂 ケンタ / Hijiri☆Tsukasa / undefined 聖☆司
The Always-Sleepy Classmate Wants Help
Itsumo Nemusou na Kurasumeito ga Tasuke wo Motometekita / いつも眠そうなクラスメイトが助けを求めてきた
Hoshi-iro no Okurimono
星色のおくりもの / Hoshiiro no Okurimono, Star-Colored Gift, Antique Wish e Youkoso, Miracle on a Starry Night, Star Colored Gift, Sleeping Beauty wa Nemurenai The Star-Color Present, Welcome to Antique Wish, Sleeping Beauty Never Sleeps
Cheese! / Rei Touma / 藤間 麗 / Rei Toma
The Sleepless Torture Tower: Chapter of Clown
拷問塔は眠らない ―道化師の章― / Goumontou wa Nemuranai: Doukeshi no Shou
Akuno-P / 悪ノP / mothy_悪ノP / Shina Soga / ソガ シイナ / Comic@loid