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On the 6th Playthrough of the Otome Game, the Auto-Mode Broke
Auto-mode Expired in the 6th Round of the Otome Game / Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita / 乙女ゲーム六周目、オートモードが切れました。
Soratani Reina / SUBARU Kazusa
Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」
Ascendance of a Bookworm ~I'll do anything to become a librarian~ Part 2 「I'll become a Shrine Maiden for Books!」 / Ascendance of a Bookworm ~I'll do anything to become a librarian~ Part 2 「I'll even join the temple to read books!」 / Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 2 / Honzuki no Gekokujou: Part 2 / Власть книжного червя: часть вторая / 本好きの下剋上 ~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~ 第二部 「本のためなら巫女になる!」
KAZUKI Miya / Suzuka
🇯🇵Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life,Isekai
The Tale of the Teapot Hero's Revenge
The Tale of the Teapot Hero's Revenge ~Although a Hero Was Only Capable of Boiling Water, That Was Enough to Kill All of Those Who Stole Everything from Her~ / Yukashi Yuusha no Fukushuutan / 湯沸かし勇者の復讐譚〜水をお湯にすることしか出来ない勇者だけど、全てを奪ったお前らを殺すにはこいつで十分だ〜
nonb / ori
Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Magic,Shoujo ai,Tragedy
Tang Hill Burial - Journey to the West Irresponsible Anything Goes Edition
Tang Hill Burial / Tang Shanzang
The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
魔探偵ロキRAGNAROK / Matantei Loki Ragnarok / Detective Loki Ragnarok
Comic Blade / Sakura Kinoshita / 木下 さくら
Haikyu!! dj - Muteki Rhythm
ハイキュー!! dj - ムテキ・リズム / Haikyu!! dj - Invincible Rhythm
bubun hanten (kazuki rai)
Doujinshi,Drama,Romance,Sports,Shounen ai
Inaka ni Kaeru to Yakeni Jiben ni Natsuita Kasshoku Ponytail Shota ga Iru
Inaka ni Kaeru to Yakeni Jiben ni Natsuita Kasshoku Ponytail Shota ga Iru
2Comedy,Slice of Life
This Plain Girl's Skirt Will Shrink By 0.1mm For Every Like
1いいねでスカートが0.1mm短くなるクラスの地味な女の子 / ギャルと待ち合わせ中に声を掛けられた地味子 大学生編 / 在等待辣妹的时候被搭讪的土妹子 大学生篇 / 在等待辣妹的時候被搭訕的土妹子 大學生篇 / 每多一个赞,就让班上的土妹子裙子短0.1mm / 每多一個贊,就讓班上的土妹子裙子短0.1mm
Kemono wa Hana no Yume o Miru ka
¿Una Bestia sueña con una Flor? / An Adult's Fairytale / Do Beasts Dream of Flowers? / Does a Beast Dream of a Flower? / Does the Beast look at the Dream of a Flower? / Hidden Love / Himeta Ai / Kemono wa Hana no Yume wo Miru ka / Otona no Douwa / 獣は花の夢を見るか / 野獸的溫柔
Osakabe Mashin
A Vacation With the Ponytailed Tanning Boy
田舎に帰るとやけになついた褐色ポニテショタがいる / Inaka ni Kaeru to Yakeni Natsuita Kasshoku Ponytail-Shota ga Iru
Gene pixiv / Bimita / びみ太
11🇯🇵Manga,Comedy,Slice of Life,Shounen ai
I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling My Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First
Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10 Nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita / 10 Years After Saying "Leave This to Me and Go," I Became a Legend / ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた。
ezo gingitsune / deecha
Brunette Bob and Black Side Ponytail
Chapatsu Bobu to Kurokami Saidoteeru / 茶髪ボブと黒髪サイドテール
Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10-nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita.
ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた。 / I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling my Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First
Chaco Abeno / 阿倍野 ちゃこ / Chako Abeno / Kappa Create / カッパくりえいと / HAKKA PINK / Manga UP! / Ezogingitsune / えぞぎんぎつね
Mimi Paradise
みみぱら / Mimipara, The Magic of Love, The Kitten That I Love, Far East Fairy Tale, Meow Meow Formula, It Was a Moonlit Night, A First Time for Everything, Discipline for Kittens, Cat and Mouse, Always stay by my side, The forest Bear's treasure, Summer Man Magic,
Dr. Ten / undefined Dr.天 / Ryuu Sugahara / すがはら 竜 / Kitsune Miyashita / 宮下 キツネ / Seika Hinata / 日向 星花 / Eri Kougami / 黄上 恵理 / Takao Natsumi / Masuko Tooyama / Tatsuyoshi / undefined たつよし
A Fairytale for the Demon Lord
마왕을위한 동화 -Der Erlkönig und der Ritter- / A Tale for Satan, The Demon Lord and the Knight, Picture Book for the Demon Lord
Daum Webtoon / Yong-Hwan Kim / 김 용환
Izure Shinwa no Houkago Sensou
[월간] 언젠가 신화의 방과후전쟁 / A Ragnarok to be a Mythology / Izure Shinwa no Ragnarok / いづれ神話の放課後戦争〈ラグナロク〉 / 神话终将来临的放学后战争
Namekojirushi / Shinohara Shinome
Genjuu Chousain
Mythical Beast Investigator / Исследователь мифических зверей / 幻獣調査員
Ayasato Keishi / Hoshino Koichiro
Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10 Nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita
10 Years After Saying "Leave This to Me and Go," I Became a Legend / I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling my Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First / ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた。
ezo gingitsune / deecha
Seitokaichou wa Bed no Ue de Subete wo Hodoku
生徒会長はベッドの上で全てを解く / The Student Council President Solves Everything on the Bed
Tsukasa / ツカサ / Magazine pocket / Takutou Igano / 維邪之 托刀
Do you like fluffy boobs?
Tawawana Oppai wa Suki Desu ka? / Você gosta de peitos fofos? / たわわなおっぱいは好きですか?
Kurou, Fumihiro Kiso, Nigou Shouji, Rouka, Aki Hamaji, Ekakibito, Melty Nanase, Byte, Eria Haseyoshi, Mashimaru, Hazuki Minamino, Morisu Nakamura, Suiheisen, Junya Takeuchi, Bow Vanilla
Houkago x Ponytail
Bessatsu Margaret / Teko Tanaka / 田中 てこ
Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Katri's Puzzle Solving Files
L'agence de Détectives Layton - Katrielle et les Enquêtes Mysterieuses (French) / Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File / レイトンミステリー探偵社 カトリーのナゾトキ事件簿
ORITO Kahori
Does a beast look at the dream of a flower?
獣は花の夢を見るか / Kemono wa Hana no Yume wo Miru ka / Otona no Douwa, Himeta Ai, An Adult's Fairytale, Hidden Love
Cheese! / Mashin Osakabe / 刑部 真芯
Yuri!!! on Ice dj - Zenbu Hoshii.
ユーリ!!! on ICE dj - ぜんぶ、ほしい。 / Yuri!!! on Ice dj - I Want Everything.
3cloudy (mikumo)