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Blade of Heaven
소마신화전기 / The Legend of Soma / Shoma, Soma Shinhwa Jungi, Myth of Soma
Kyung-il Yang / 양 경일 / 梁 慶一 / Yang Gyeong-il / Yong-Su Hwang
I’ve Become Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless
Seichou Cheat de Nandemo Dekiru you ni Natta ga / Mushoku dake wa Yamerarenai you desu
Chiri / Yousuke Tokino
Genjuu Chousain
Mythical Beast Investigator / Исследователь мифических зверей / 幻獣調査員
Ayasato Keishi / Hoshino Koichiro
The Villainess Who Has Been Killed 108 Times. She Remembered Everything. The Maiden with the Ruby Creates a Miracle.
108-Kai Korosareta Akuyaku Reijou Subete Wo Omoidashitanode / Otome Wa Ruby Due Kiseki Shimasu
Genjuu Chousain
幻獣調査員 / Mythical Beast Investigator
ayasato keishi / hoshino kouichirou
Aoi Tori no Shinwa - Blue Myth Overture
Aoi Tori no Shinwa / Aoi Tori no Shinwa - Blue Myth Overture / Legend of the Blue Bird - Blue Myth Overture / 青い鳥の神話 Blue myth overture / 青い鳥の神話―Blue myth overture / 青鳥的神話 / 青鸟的神话
Kurumada Masami
Izure Shinwa no Houkago Sensou
[월간] 언젠가 신화의 방과후전쟁 / A Ragnarok to be a Mythology / Izure Shinwa no Ragnarok / いづれ神話の放課後戦争〈ラグナロク〉 / 神话终将来临的放学后战争
Namekojirushi / Shinohara Shinome
Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Daytime Shooting Star / Heroine no Ryuusei / Cookie Girl Cream Boy / ひるなかの流星 / Tsuyu Kaoru / Hirunaka no Ryuusei - Bangai Hen / Hirunaka no Ryusei / Hirunaka no Ryūsei / Gwiazda spadająca za dnia / Cookie Girl, Cream Boy / A Love Story in Moist Rainy Days (one shot) / 한낮의 유성 / แสงดาวกลางใจ / 白晝的流星 / 昼行闪耀的流星 / الشهاب الصباحي / ひるなかの流星 番外編 / Дневной звездопад / More than Words / The Daytime Shooting Star
mika yamamori
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Drama,Slice of Life
The Queen's Knight
Der Ritter von der Königin / El caballero de la Reina / Hiệp sĩ của Nữ hoàng / Hiệp Sĩ Nữ Hoàng / Královnin Rytíř / Queen's Knight / Ritter der Königin / The Queen's Knight / Yeowang-ui Gisa / Рыцарь Королевы / فارس الملكة / 幻影骑士 / 여왕의 기사
E? Heibon Desu yo??
Ee? Heibon Desu yo?? / Eh? Heibon desu yo?? / Huh? Everything Is Normal Here / You See?? / А? Это нормально?? / えっ? 平凡ですよ??
Tsukiyuki Hana / Fujiwara Rika
🇯🇵Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life,Supernatural,Isekai
Does a beast look at the dream of a flower?
獣は花の夢を見るか / Kemono wa Hana no Yume wo Miru ka / Otona no Douwa, Himeta Ai, An Adult's Fairytale, Hidden Love
Cheese! / Mashin Osakabe / 刑部 真芯
Ishu Renai Monogatarishuu
Aqua Terrarium / Aru Kakan no Omoide / Boku wa Kabutomushi / CLAYTURE / Cotton no Mahou / Curry no Iu Toori! / Daisy, Mata Ashita. / Definisi / Futari Issho ni Milk no Hibi / Hijoushoku to Gochisou. / Jingai-san no Yome: Tsuchikiyose Tetsushi no Kekkon / Jingai-san no Yome: Tsukieda Yoshino no Kekkon / Kanojo ga Hoshii Mono / Kimi to no Nenrin / Kinchou suru to Koe ga Uragaeru Sakana no Hanashi / Koi wa Bouken / Kuroyagi no Ochakai / Love Stories Between Different Species / Magnolia (SUMIYOSHI Ryo) / Majo no Naritachi / Majo no Suu to Chiisana Mandragora / Mayonaka no Waltz / Mokuren / Naminami Kitsune / Nanoka no Tenshi / Olivia to Gryphon / Onna Kishi-san wa Ookami-san ni Umoretai / Ookami Ningen to Ningen Ookami. / Owari made / Scrambled Eggs / Sekai no Sumi no Operetta / Sensei to Onjin-san / Shiraito no En / Shiro no Ousama. / Shoujo to Cyborg / Slime ga xx ni Naritasou ni Kochira wo Ikaryaku / Sukoyaka naru Toki mo, Yameru Toki mo, Dragon naru Toki mo / Tokage Hime / Uzumaki Cosmo to Manager / Warui Majo no Shiwaza / Watashi to, Ie / 异种恋爱物语集 / 木蓮 / 異種恋愛物語集 / 魔本のはなし / 龍愛でる男
Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 3
Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 3-bu 「Ryouchi ni Hon o Hirogeyou!」 / Ascendance of a Bookworm ~I'll do anything to become a librarian~ Part 3 「Let's Spread the Book to the Territory!」 / Honzuki no Gekokujou: Part 3
2🇯🇵Manga,Reincarnation,Fantasy,Isekai,Magic,Slice of Life
On the 6th Playthrough of the Otome Game, the Auto-Mode Broke
Auto-mode Expired in the 6th Round of the Otome Game / Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita / 乙女ゲーム六周目、オートモードが切れました。
Soratani Reina / SUBARU Kazusa
The Useless Tamer Will Turn into the Top Unconsciously by My Previous Life Knowledge
About Making the Low-tier Tamer Profession Top-tier Using My Previous Life’s Knowledge / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihengyo Tamer Ga Joukyugyo Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken Ni Tsuite / Ore No Zense No Chishiki De Teihenshoku Tamer Ga Joukyuushoku Ni Natte Shimaisou Na Ken / Ore No Zensei No Chishiki De Teihen Shoku Tamer Ga Joukyuu Shoku Ni Natte Shimai Sou Na Ken / 俺の前世の知識で底辺職テイマーが上級職になってしまいそうな件
Yoshigae Tamaki / Niwa Rhythm
Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」
Ascendance of a Bookworm ~I'll do anything to become a librarian~ Part 2 「I'll become a Shrine Maiden for Books!」 / Ascendance of a Bookworm ~I'll do anything to become a librarian~ Part 2 「I'll even join the temple to read books!」 / Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 2 / Honzuki no Gekokujou: Part 2 / Власть книжного червя: часть вторая / 本好きの下剋上 ~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~ 第二部 「本のためなら巫女になる!」
KAZUKI Miya / Suzuka
🇯🇵Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life,Isekai
Tang Shanzang
Saiyuukin / Tang Hill Burial / Tang Hill Burial - Journey to the West Irresponsible Anything Goes Edition / 唐山葬 / 西遊筋
Buta Koushaku Ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo Wa Kimi Ni Suki To Iitai
Buta Kōshaku ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai / Buta Koushaku ni Tensei Shita kara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai / Because I've Been Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke, This Time I Will Say I Like You / Piggy Duke Want to Say Love to You / 豚公爵に転生したから、今度は君に好きと言いたい / 转生猪公爵,这次想说喜欢你
Aida Rhythm
Shounen(B),Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
A Fairytale For The Demon Lord Season 2
마왕을 위한 동화 / A Fairytale for the Demon Lord Side Story / Picture Book for the Demon Lord / The Demon Lord and the Knight
kim yong-hwan
The Tale of the Teapot Hero's Revenge
The Tale of the Teapot Hero's Revenge ~Although a Hero Was Only Capable of Boiling Water, That Was Enough to Kill All of Those Who Stole Everything from Her~ / Yukashi Yuusha no Fukushuutan / 湯沸かし勇者の復讐譚〜水をお湯にすることしか出来ない勇者だけど、全てを奪ったお前らを殺すにはこいつで十分だ〜
nonb / ori
Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Magic,Shoujo ai,Tragedy
Kemono wa Hana no Yume o Miru ka
¿Una Bestia sueña con una Flor? / An Adult's Fairytale / Do Beasts Dream of Flowers? / Does a Beast Dream of a Flower? / Does the Beast look at the Dream of a Flower? / Hidden Love / Himeta Ai / Kemono wa Hana no Yume wo Miru ka / Otona no Douwa / 獣は花の夢を見るか / 野獸的溫柔
Osakabe Mashin
Haikyuu!! - Do You Know Anything About TPO, Kageyama-kun?! (Doujinshi)
ハイキュー!! dj - TPOって知ってますか影山くん / Haikyu!! dj - TPO tte Shittemasu ka Kageyama-kun
taira miya
Doujinshi,Comedy,Shounen ai
I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling My Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First
10 Years After Saying “Leave This to Me and Go,” I Became a Legend. / Koko ha ore ni makasete saki ni ike to ittekara jyunen ga tattara densetsu ni natteita. / Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10 Nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita. / Leave Me and Go. / ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた。 / 여기는 나한테 맡기고 먼저 가라고 말하고 10년이 지나 전설이 되었다
Ezo Gingitsune / Abeno Chaco
Dragon Ball GT
DBGalaxyTouring / DBGT / 七龙珠GT
xinjiang youth
Shounen(B),Supernatural,Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,Adventure,Fantasy
I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling My Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First
Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10 Nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita / 10 Years After Saying "Leave This to Me and Go," I Became a Legend / ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた。
ezo gingitsune / deecha
I Can Devour Everything
I Can Devour Everything / 我可以吞噬万物 / Wo Keyi Tunshi Wanwu
🇨🇳Webtoon,Action,Martial Arts,Wuxia,Drama,Fantasy
The Ultimate Healing Heals Everything!
FUJI Nanarou
3Shounen(B),Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life,Harem
I Become a Doting Father
I Love my Daughter Too Much I'll do anything for her
2Manhwa,Shounen(B),Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life,Full Color
Auto-Mode Expired In The 6Th Round Of The Otome Game
On the 6th Playthrough of the Otome Game, the Auto-Mode Broke / Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita / 乙女ゲーム六周目、オートモードが切れました。
Subaru Kazusa / Reina Soratani
Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10 Nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natteita
10 Years After Saying "Leave This to Me and Go," I Became a Legend / I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling my Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First / ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた。
ezo gingitsune / deecha